I am Maxim and [You] have stumbled upon my tech portfolio!

Character Description ℹ️

The path may be full of bugs and winding trails ending in countless dead ends, but who is going on an adventure expecting it to be easy? Challenge is the intrinsic part that makes the adventure interesting.

This adventure is also a magical one. “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic” — Athur C. Clarke. I believe that programming is as close as we can get to magic in this world. It is simply magical to program something: an exciting, magical adventure.

Character Stats ⚔️
TypeScript icon
4 PP
Unity icon
2 PP
C++ icon
1 PP
Python icon
1 PP
Java icon
1 PP
Rust icon
1 PP
Godot icon
0.5 PP
Quests 📜
Back To Sync Cover Image

Back To Sync

A game I developed with my friends over the week of "2022 UNC Collegiate Game Jam."

https://img.icons8.com/pulsar-gradient/48/itch-io.png icon
+1 icon
Amphibian World Cover Image

Amphibian World

Interactive website about amphibians, developed for my biology class.

https://img.icons8.com/internet icon
+1 icon